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《审判日》,1852 年

on Judgment day, 1852


the most solemn of all the days of our life is the day we die. It is judgment day, the great sacred day of transfiguration. have you really seriously given a fleeting thought to that grave and mighty last hour we shall spend on earth?


there was once a man, a stanch upholder of truth, as he was called, to whom the word of his God was law, a zealous servant of his zealous God. with a stern but heavenly look, the Angel of death stood at his bedside.

“时辰到了;你得跟我走!” 死神说道,并用冰冷的手指触碰了那人的双脚,他的双脚立刻变得像冰一样冷。然后死神触碰了他的额头,最后触碰了他的心脏,当心脏破碎时,灵魂便可以自由地跟随死神天使而去了。

“the hour has e; you shall follow me!” said death, and touched the man’s feet with ice-cold fingers, and his feet became like ice. then death touched his forehead, and lastly his heart, and when it burst, the soul was free to follow the Angel of death.


but during those brief seconds while the icy touch shivered through feet and head and heart, there passed through the mind of the dying man, like great ocean waves, the recollection of all he had wrought and felt throughout his life. So does one terrified glance into a whirlpool reveal in thought as swift as lightning the whole unfathomable depth of it; so with one fleeting glance at the countless stars of heaven can one conceive the infinite multitude of worlds and spheres in the great universe.


In such a moment the terrified sinner shrinks into himself and has nothing to cling to, and he feels himself shrinking further into infinite emptiness.


And at such times the devout soul bows its head to the Almighty and yields itself up to him in childlike trust, praying, “thy will be done with me!”


but this dying man had not the mind of a child, nor was he a terrified sinner; his thoughts were of self-praise. he knew that he had abided by religious traditions. millions, he knew, would have to face judgment. but he believed most confidently that his path would lead straight heavenward, and that mercy, promised to all men, would open the gates to him.


And the soul followed the Angel of death, casting only one wistful glance back at the bed where, in its white shroud, lay the lifeless image of clay, still bearing the print of the soul’s individuality.


Now they hovered through the air, now glided along the ground. were they passing through a vast, decorated hall, or perchance a forest? It was hard to tell. Nature appeared formally set out for show, as in the stiley, artificial, old French gardens, and through its strange, carefully arranged scenes there passed many men and women, all clad as if for a masquerade.

“这就是人类的生活!” 死神天使说道。

“Such is human life!” spoke the Angel of death.


It seemed as if the figure tried to disguise themselves; those who flaunted the glories of velvet and gold were not always the noblest and the richest, neither were all those who wore the garb of poverty the most wretched and vulgar.


A strange masquerade indeed! And most strange of all was to see how each one carefully concealed under his clothing something he would not have the others discover.


Each was determined to learn his neighbor’ secret, and they tore at one another until here and there the heads of different animals were bared.


one was that of a grinning ape, another the head of a goat, still others a clammy snake and a feeble fish.


In all was some token of the animal which is fast rooted in human nature, and which here was struggling and jumping to burst forth.

而且,不管一个人把衣服裹得多紧来遮掩它,其他人都不会罢休,非要撕开那层面纱不可,所有人都不停地叫嚷着:“看这儿!瞧!就是他!就是她!” 然后每个人都嘲讽地揭露同伴的羞耻之处。

And however closely a person might hold his garment over it to hide it, the others would never rest until they had torn aside the veil, and all kept crying out, “Look here! See! It is he! It is she! and everyone mockingly laid bare his fellow’s shame.

“那么我身上的动物特征是什么呢?” 灵魂问道。

“then what was the animal in me?” inquired the soul.


the Angel of death silently pointed to a haughty form around whose head spread a bright glory of rays, with shining colors, but in whose heart could be seen lurking, half hidden, the feet of a peacock.


the spreading glory above was merely the speckled tail of the peacock.


As they passed on, huge birds shrieked horribly at them from the boughs of trees. In voices harsh but clear, intelligible, and human, they cried, “You who walk with death, do you remember me?”


All the evil thoughts and lusts that had lurked within the man from birth to death now called after him in forbidding tones, “do you remember me?”


For a moment the soul shuddered, for it recognized the voices; it could not deny knowledge of the evil thoughts and desires that were now rising as witnesses against it.

“在我们的肉体里,在我们邪恶的本性中,没有什么善的东西存在!” 灵魂说道。“但至少在我这里,念头从未转化为行动;世人还未曾见到它们结出的恶果!”

“In our flesh, in our evil nature, nothing good lives!” said the soul. “but, at least with me, thoughts never turned into action; the world has not seen their evil fruit!”


the soul rushed on to escape the ugly screams, but the huge black birds swept in circles, screaming out their vicious words louder and louder, as though they wished to be heard to the ends of the world.


the soul fled like a hunted stag, and at every step stumbled against sharp flint stones, painfully cutting his feet on them.


“how came these sharp stones here? they seem like mere withered leaves lying on the ground.”


“Each stone is some careless word you have spoken, which wounded your neighbor’s heart far more deeply than these sharp flints that now hurt your feet.”

“我从来没想过这些!” 灵魂喊道。

“I never thought of that!” cried the soul.

“你们不要论断人,免得你们被论断!” 这句话在空中回响。

“Judge not, that ye be not judged!” rang through the air.


In a moment the soul recovered from its self-abasement. “we have all sinned. but I have kept the Law and the Gospel. I have done what I could do; I am not like the others.”


And then he stood at the gates of heaven itself, and the Angel who guarded the entrance asked, “who are you? tell me your faith, and show it to me in your works.”

“我一直忠实地遵守了所有的诫命。” 灵魂骄傲地回答道。

“I have faithfully kept all the mandments,” replied the soul proudly.


“I have humbled myself in the eyes of the world. I have hated and persecuted evil and those who practice it, and I would do so still, with fire and sword, had I yet the power.”

“那么你是穆罕默德的追随者咯?” 天使说道。

“then you are a follower of mohammed?” said the Angel.


“I? Never!”


“ ‘he who strikes with the sword shall perish by the sword,’ thus spoke the Son. his religion you do not have. Are you then perchance one of the children of Israel, who with moses said: ‘An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth?’”


“I am a christian.”


“I see it neither in your faith nor in your actions! the teaching of christ is forgiveness, love, and mercy!”

“慈悲!” 这声呼喊的回声在无垠的空间中回荡,天堂之门敞开了,灵魂朝着永恒的极乐之境飘去。

“mercy!” the echo of this rang through infinite space, the gates of heaven opened, and the soul hovered toward the realms of eternal bliss.


but the flood of light that streamed forth from within was so dazzling, so penetrating, that the soul shrank back as from a double-edged sword. And the sound of music was so soft and touching that no mortal tongue could describe it. the soul trembled and prostrated itself lower and lower, and the celestial light cut through it until it felt, as it had never felt before, the weight of its own pride and cruelty and sin.

“我在世上所做的任何好事,我做是因为我别无选择;但我所做的坏事 —— 那是出于我自己!”

“whatever good I have done in the world, I did because I could not do otherwise; but the evil that I did-that was of myself!”

灵魂愈发被天堂那纯净的光芒晃得眼花缭乱、不知所措;它似乎正坠入一个无底深渊 —— 那是它自身的赤裸与不配得的深渊。

And more and more the soul was dazzled and overwhelmed by the pure light of heaven; it seemed falling into a bottomless abyss-the abyss of its own nakedness and unworthiness.


Shrunk into itself, humbled, cast out, unfit for the Kingdom of heaven, trembling at the thought of the just and holy God, hardly dared it to gasp, “mercy!”

而慈悲天使来到了他的身边 —— 这是他未曾料到的慈悲;在天堂那无垠的空间里,上帝永恒的爱填满了这个灵魂。

And the Angel of mercy came to him-the mercy he had not expected; and in the infinite space of heaven, God’s everlasting love filled the soul.

“犯错的人类灵魂啊,你将永远圣洁、慈爱、荣耀!” 天使们齐声歌唱道。

“holy, loving, glorious forever shalt thou be, o erring human spirit!” sang the chorus of angels.


And as this soul did, so shall we all, on our last day on earth, humbly tremble in the glorious sight of the Kingdom of heaven.


but the infinite love and mercy of our heavenly Father will carry us through other spheres, so that, purified and strengthened, we may ascend into God’s eternal light.
